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How to Lead Like a Navy SEAL and a Clinical Psychologist: Lessons from Jocko Willink and Jordan Peterson

coaching discipline empowerment health professionals jocko willink jordan peterson leadership podcast strategy Feb 06, 2024
leadership slide with computer and coffee

What do a retired Navy SEAL commander and a clinical psychologist have in common? They both know a thing or two about leadership and are not afraid to share their wisdom with the world.

In this blog post, I will summarize the key points from their podcast episode, where they discuss leadership and the different skills that are important to move an organization forward.

 Empathy is essential for leadership. Jocko and Jordan agree that empathy is a moral virtue and a practical skill for leaders. Empathy allows leaders to understand their followers' needs, motivations, and emotions and adjust their communication and actions accordingly. Empathy helps leaders build trust, rapport, and loyalty with their followers and resolve conflicts and problems more effectively. By being empathetic, leaders can show their followers that they care about them as human beings, not just as tools or resources. Empathy can also help leaders inspire and motivate their followers by appealing to their values and aspirations and recognizing their achievements and contributions.

  • Responsibility is the foundation of leadership. Jocko and Jordan emphasize that leaders must take responsibility for themselves, their followers, and their mission. Responsibility means being accountable for the good or bad outcomes and not blaming others or making excuses. Responsibility also means being proactive, not reactive, and taking the initiative to improve the situation and achieve the goals. By being responsible, leaders can set an example for their followers and encourage them to take ownership of their roles and tasks. Responsibility can also help leaders foster a culture of excellence and integrity, where everyone strives to do their best and uphold the organization's standards and values.
  • Communication is the key to leadership. Jocko and Jordan stress the importance of clear, honest, and frequent communication for leaders. Communication helps leaders articulate their followers' vision, values, and expectations and provide feedback and guidance. Communication also helps leaders listen to their followers, learn from their perspectives and experiences, and address their concerns and questions. By being communicative, leaders can create a shared understanding and alignment among their followers and ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same objective. Communication can also help leaders build a sense of community and collaboration, where everyone feels valued and respected and everyone can contribute their ideas and opinions.

 In this blog post, I shared the main takeaways from the podcast episode where Jocko Willink and Jordan Peterson talk about leadership and the essential skills to move an organization forward. They cover topics such as the role of empathy, responsibility, communication, delegation, and empowerment in effective leadership. They also share their personal stories and experiences that shaped their views and approaches to leadership.

 If you enjoyed this blog post, you might want to check out the full podcast episode, where you can hear more insights and advice from Jocko and Jordan. You can also sign up for my service, where I coach health professionals on how to become better leaders and build great organizations. Click here to get started:

 To listen to the podcast episode above, click here:  

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