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Achieve Peak Performance with True North Consulting

by Dr. Cary Yurkiw


Whether you're setting your sights on running your first marathon, hitting a new personal best, or simply aiming to reach the pinnacle of your athletic capabilities, True North Consulting is here to turn those ambitions into achievements. Our Peak Performance Coaching goes beyond generic training programs, offering personalized guidance tailored to your unique physical capabilities, goals, and lifestyle. With a foundation in comprehensive fitness assessment and bespoke program design, we empower athletes and fitness enthusiasts to surpass their performance goals and redefine their limits.


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Personalized Coaching for Unparalleled Results:

Our coaching services are meticulously designed to cater to your specific needs:

  • Goal Setting and Strategy: Together, we'll define clear, achievable goals and develop a strategy to ensure you reach them, whether it's crossing the marathon finish line or achieving peak physical condition.
  • Customized Training Programs: Based on your fitness level, goals, and schedule, we'll craft a training program that challenges you without risking burnout or injury.
  • Nutritional Guidance: Understanding that nutrition is a cornerstone of performance, our coaching includes comprehensive nutritional planning to fuel your body effectively for training and recovery.
  • Ongoing Support and Motivation: We provide continuous support, adjustments to your program as needed, and motivation to keep you moving forward towards your goals.

Transformation and Triumphs:


I never believed completing a marathon was within my reach until I began coaching with True North. Their personalized approach to training and unwavering support made all the difference.

- Serena Johnson, Amateur Marathon Runner

Thanks to True North, I went from struggling to finish 5Ks to completing my first marathon in under 4 hours. Their tailored training programs and motivational support made all the difference in my journey.

- Andrea Garcia, Marathon Enthusiast

True North helped me shatter my personal bests and taught me how to train smarter, not harder. Their expertise in athletic performance is unmatched.

- Derek Huang, Competitive Runner

"I’ve worked with other coaches before, but none have been as impactful as True North. Their expertise in performance training and nutrition helped me improve my running times significantly, and I’ve never felt healthier." 

- Carlos Mendez, Distance Runner
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Start Your Journey



Embarking on your journey to peak performance begins with True North Consulting. Whether you're looking to conquer a marathon or achieve your best physical form, our team is ready to guide you every step of the way.

Contact us to schedule your initial consultation and take the first step towards redefining your limits. Together, we'll unlock the true potential of your physical prowess.

Book a 15 minute free coaching call